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"We are the changes that we seek"


PST by the SEA- Cairns

"Old ways won't open new doors"



To understand how PST therapy succeeds when others have failed, we need to look into how our complex minds work:

Fundamentally, the human mind is dominated by two key areas - the Conscious and the Subconscious.

The Conscious (Thinking) mind deals with the "Here & Now", forming ideas and communicating to both the "outside" world and the "inner self" through speech, pictures, writing and physical movement. It's the words we speak and the voice in our head but for all that noise it represents only 10% of our mind power.

The Conscious mind Directs us.

The Subconscious (Feeling) mind is the storehouse of all memories and past experiences, both those that have been repressed through trauma and those that have simply been consciously forgotten (are no longer important to us). It’s from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, feelings, habits, and behaviors are formed. Quiet, mysterious and unassuming, the subconscious is over 90% of our mind power.

The Subconscious mind Drives us.

The Subconscious constantly communicates with the Conscious mind providing us with the meaning to all our interactions with the world, as filtered through our beliefs, experiences and habits. It communicates through feelings, emotions, imagination, sensations, and dreams. The subconscious mind is EXTREMELY powerful and dominates all of our behaviour.

When our Conscious and Subconscious minds are not aligned, when our thoughts and feelings are in conflict, we struggle. Worse still, our emotional "feeling" Subconscious will always dominate our "thinking" Conscious mind (90% v's 10%!!)  Left unresolved, the results can be crippling, with mental anguish and real physical pain, manifesting in a range of symptoms from depression, fatigue, insomnia and anxiety, to chronic pain and skin & digestive disorders. (Interested in learning more? Visit our Blog)

PST works on, and with, the powerful Subconscious mind.


Psychologists refer to PST as a “Bridging System Therapy” - meaning it works on building better connections (bridges) between the conscious and subconscious mind. There are literally millions of these connections as every thought, every word and every action (from our conscious mind) links back to a specific feeling in our Subconscious. 


It’s the combination of the logical “thought” (conscious) and the “feeling”(subconscious) that completes the total message as a "concept" or “memory”. 


Sometimes (actually pretty often!) the links are not quite right. In most cases our minds repair and rewire themselves (one of the functions of good quality sleep)- but sometimes they don’t. Left unresolved, the results can be a range of symptoms from anxiety, depression, phobias and fatigue to chronic skin & digestive disorders.

PST works by inducing a state of relaxation (not a deep hypnosis!) and introducing imagery and words that activate the subconscious allowing the re-building of healthy, appropriate “bridges” with the Conscious mind. With the conscious and subconscious now aligned - thoughts and feelings are resolved - symptoms disappear. The “work” is done by the patient’s own mind - the therapist is only the facilitator!


One of the systems we all possess to keep us in physical and emotional balance is the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).

Operating like a beam balance, the two parts of the ANS respond very differently to our circumstances and environment.

The Sympathetic Nervous System:
Responds instinctively to physical danger and instantly prepares the body for “fight or flight" survival.

Heart rate increases, pupils dilate, glucose and adrenalin are poured into our blood stream increasing our muscle speed and power. Bowels and bladder are emptied. Functions not immediately needed for the "fight or flight" response, such as the digestive and reproductive systems and blood supply close to the skin - are temporarily suspended or reduced. 

The Parasympathetic Nervous System;
Once the “emergency” has passed, the Parasympathetic Nervous System returns the body to a more relaxed state, allowing recovery to begin, bringing the ANS back to balance (normal).


The ANS response in human evolution was healthy and vital, providing “fight or flight” reactions in EMERGENCY situations. Escaping the jaws of a sabre toothed tiger demanded quick instinctive action! As we continued to evolve into more social beings, rational thinking and increasingly sophisticated behaviour dominated our responses. Our raw emotions were necessarily repressed, denied their immediate and natural release. But once the biochemical response to the emotional state has been triggered, it's not under voluntary control – you might control the outward manifestations of your anger, fear or emotional pain, but the inner chemical reaction is hard at work.


The emotional triggers that fire the ANS into action today are everyday challenges - a workplace concern, a financial problem or a difficult relationship rather than the fleeting appearance of a tiger. Designed as a temporary stress response system  the ANS is now under almost constant, unrelenting pressure. Not surprisingly, the result is a chemical and hormonal imbalance with consequentially damaging results. Anxiety, depression, migraine, anger, digestive, skin and sleep problems... the list of symptoms is extensive. 

The perception of every "Threat" - the triggers that can overwhelm our autonomic nervous system - sit deep within our Subconscious. Here, in our "Feeling Mind", is the storehouse of all memories and past experiences. It’s from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, feelings, habits, and behaviors are formed. It is here, working with the powerful subconscious that PST reprograms responses and restores the natural balance.

PST by the SEA -  Cairns.    

Cairns , Queensland, Australia  

Colin Fryer 0429 484 696

Rebecca Fryer 0412 763391 

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